The event will be held on November 28th – 30th 2024 in Naples (Italy) at Complesso dei SS. Marcellino e Festo - Largo S. Marcellino 10 – Napoli, part of the University of Naples “Federico II”.

The location is very suggestive.

The Church of Saints Marcellino and Festo is part of a larger conventual complex, including two monasteries from the 7th century located in Largo San Marcellino, in the historic center of Naples. The interior of the church, with a single nave and side chapels with domes, is characterized by the decorations in polychrome marble and wood that adorn it. In the 18th century, the place of worship underwent renovations based on the design by Luigi Vanvitelli, embellished with works created by some of the most famous artists active in Naples at that time.

The main altar, crafted in 1666 by Dioniso Lazzari, is enriched with statues by Lorenzo Vaccaro depicting Saint Marcellino and Saint Festo. At the entrance, there is a painting by Giuseppe Simonelli portraying the crossing of the Red Sea, while the frescoes on the dome are the work of Belisario Corenzio. The church, now deconsecrated, is accessible from the cloister of San Marcellino and is primarily used for cultural events.

SS Marcellino

18th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides

Organizing Secretariat:
YES Meet - Via S. Nicola, 4 - Sorrento [NA] - Italia -P.IVA 05876631218

Phone: +39 081 8770604 - Fax: +39 081 8770258
